The Jacana Development Foundation

The Jacana Development Foundation exists to enable its Broker Partner companies and their staff, to make a meaningful difference to the lives of South Africans and so play a role in creating a better South Africa.

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our purpose

The Jacana Foundation was established in 2022 to implement and support development projects aligned to the core purpose and competencies of The Jacana Group and the insurance industry.

The Foundation ensures that the resources of Broker partners, as well as of their business partners and customers, can be combined and leveraged to make a real and meaningful difference to selected communities. Besides financial contributions, staff can be enabled to add real value through the sharing of their expertise, effort and time.

The Foundation is also a majority shareholder of Jacana Administration, ensuring it can earn dividends, to support its funding requirements.


our areas
of focus:

The support provided to communities is focussed around 4 key areas, all aligned to the work The Jacana Group does.


Education, in all its forms, is fundamental to an effective and successful society.

financial literacy

Financial literacy equips individuals to positively manage their own financial futures.

health & well-being

Health and wellbeing positively enhance the daily lives of individuals and enable communities to grow stronger.


Work readiness of youth and enterprise development help reduce unemployment and are critical contributors to a thriving South African society.

All projects supported are underpinned by a commitment to Environmental Sustainability.


Literacy Development

The over-arching aim of the Rally to Read is to develop the reading and writing
skills of learners in remote schools – to ensure they are equipped to cope with
secondary school education and positioned to craft their own careers.

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Surf Ski Academy Trust

Siyaphambili is an ever-evolving programme and is making a sound impact in ensuring the surf ski sport becomes increasing inclusive and that the participating paddlers gain, in addition to sporting capabilities, broader life skills and ever-expanding life horizons.

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Agricultural employment development

The core objective of RecruitAgri is to empower local youth through skills
development and facilitating employment specifically within the agricultural

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Scholarship Programme

The Sumbandila scholarship programme aims to facilitate the education and
employment of promising youth of colour in the Louis Trichardt area of Limpopo,
through various educational support channels and means.

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Women in Sports Education Upliftment Programme

WISEUP exists to uplift young girls through sport and education. Their key focus is on facilitating the successful participation of young black women, from Langa and Khayelitsha, in sports tournaments including the Rustenburg Girls High School Champions Cup.

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Our Supporters

The Jacana Development Foundation is supported by independent business.

Bay Union



DN Makelaars

Looking to become a supporter of The Jacana Development Foundation? Click Here:

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Legalities and governance

The Jacana Development Foundation is:

  • A registered Non-Profit Company (NPC): 2022/532585/08
  • A registered Non-Profit Organisation (NPO): 278-428
  • A registered Public Benefit Organisation (PBO): 930076266,
    approved for purposes of Section 18a (1) (a)
  • Registered with SARS.

board of directors

  • Pamela Richardson (Chairperson): CSI practitioner, MA (Social Development)
  • Tamsyn Booysen (Public Officer): Deputy Financial Director – STP
  • Jeannette Mullany: MD – Bay Union Employee Benefits
  • Buyile Mdluli: Advocate of the High Court of SA, Jacana Administration DIrector
  • Silindila Chiya: GM – Bay Union Insurance Brokers